"I AFFIRM GENTLE HEALING FOR THE PLANET AND PEACE AND HARMONY FOR ALL."  This is the Circle of Intention Affirmation - pass it on! 

The Work

My work has evolved over these last many years since I dived headfirst into the national spotlight.  My primary work is clearing - of people, places, and pets. Yet, I am also a healer and a teacher.  I work extensively with the Akashic Records to clear past life trauma. Everything that comes up as a challenge in this lifetime is coming up to be healed, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual.  Clearing and healing the basis of the trapped emotion clears the energy for a more effective outcome in physical reality with whatever healing approach you might choose.

All of my work is done via the telephone.  Energy is energy and I access it through the fifth dimension. I attune myself to the energetic imprint of my client, thus accessing the Akashic Records for the individual soul and proceed from there.  I have the help of what I refer to as my Cosmic Crew, a group of ascended masters, angels and guides in the fifth dimension headed by Lord Sananda/Jesus, Archangel Metatron and Mother Mary. 

At this time I have a limited number of appointments available due to my other commitments.  It is best to reach out to me via email, using the proper format, at Christina(at) CircleOfItnention(dot)com. 

I pray for the Highest Good in every life, including yours, and I affirm Divine Order in all things.

Blessings and Light,
